career portfolio

todd m. howard

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achievements (3 of 4)
published author | feature film producer | dvd author | performing musician


18+ years of experience as a filmmaker, digital editor, website designer, digital media instructor, and performing musician.

"I am dedicated to advancing my talents, and honing my skills. I am looking for positions and projects that will utilize the many facets of my creativity. I am a dreamer and a visionary. I dare to speculate, to grow, to challenge. Most importantly, I strive to flow with change. When I am working on a creative project that holds meaning for me, I am unstoppable."

DVD Author
Seattle Int'l Film Festival - 2001 Fly Filmmaking Challenge

Designed and authored succesful promotional DVD of three widescreen short DV films - "Spare Me," "Baby Express," and "Open House" - a documentary of the event, "Fly on the Wall," interviews with the dv editors, Schy Gleason, Michael Cross and myself, interviews with Michael Koidahl executive producer of the DVD, Apple Computer's Jeff Davis, and a slide show of all the key players in the project known as the Fly Filmmaking Challenge. Created interactive menu screens, composed menu music, created slideshow graphics, designed packaging and encoded final product. A long list of DVD projects follows, including "Laban's Legacy", "Horace W. Porter School visits China", "The Hendrikus Group Promo DVD" a content-rich corporate promotional DVD for the Hendrikus Group, and many private party documentary and celebratory films and slideshows for clients all over the United States.

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todd m. howard

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